Food Pantry · We provide emergency food support to those in need. We distribute turkeys during the holidays, provide food to our Emergency Men's Shelter, Partnerships for Healthy Living Program, and the after-school program at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. More... |
Emergency Men's Shelter · We provide emergency shelter, clothing, and food to as many as 50 homeless men at a time. Our staff helps our clients to find housing, employment, and health and rehabilitation services. More... |
Next Step Workforce Development · We teach self-sufficiency through literacy and job readiness training, career development, life skills training, adult basic education (ABE), ESL, GED, and case management services. More... |
Full Service Community Schools · We have partnered with Paterson Public Schools to provide a range of services that address children's social, emotional, and academic needs using the school building as a hub. More... |
Housing and Neighborhood Development · We are rebuilding St. Paul's 5th Ward Neighborhood though rehabilitation, construction of multi-family dwellings, and creating Single Resident Occupancy (SRO) spaces for women. More... |
AmeriCorps · We host and sponsor AmeriCorps Members who serve as tutors, mentors, food pantry workers, shelter aides, case management aides, volunteer recruiters, and as operations support to St. Paul's CDC and our community partners. More... |
Passaic YouthBuild · We teach self-sufficiency to adjudicated youthful offenders by providing education and construction skills training, career development, life skills training, and case management services (photo: youthbuild.org). More... |